Philip Durell

Co-Founder and Director

Philip Durell

Philip is co-founder and director of ADC Acoustics along with Andrew Raymond.

Philip is co-founder and director of ADC Acoustics along with Andrew Raymond.

Philip started as an engineer with Marconi and moved into acoustics in 1991 and Environment Health soon after. He has been and acoustic consultant since 1998 and is ADC’s architectural and building acoustics specialist, working on projects of all sizes in a wide range of sectors.

Philip has a growing reputation as a CPD presenter and provides seminars on building acoustics and environmental noise.

"Philip gave the best presentation I have seen, or to be more accurate, heard in a long time. He gives you a remarkable and wholly practical demonstration of the effects of good, and bad, sound insulation in buildings and you will not believe your ears."  (Poole Dick Associates)

In his spare time Philip enjoys Pilates, Yoga and cooking.


